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The New Kids (1985)

the new kids,movie posterThe New Kids (or Striking Back) is a thriller written by Stephen Gyllenhaal and Brian Taggert and directed by Sean S. Cunningham.

Lori Loughlin and Shannon Pressby star as Abby and Loren Williams, a pair of teenagers who lose their parents and move to Florida to live with their aunt and uncle. James Spader plays the leader of a local band of bullies and Eric plays Mark, Abby’s friend at the new school.

New Kids opened in January 1985 and was released on DVD in October 2005.


A brother and sister arrive in a small town to help their relatives run an amusement park, and they find the town is terrorized by a local street gang.

eric stoltz,james spader,the new kids


Shannon Presby (Loren McWilliams), Lori Loughlin (Abby McWilliams), James Spader (Eddie Dutra), John Philbin (Gideon), Vince Grant (Joe Bob), Eric Stoltz (Mark), David H. MacDonald (Moonie), Theron Montgomery (Gordo), Eddie Jones (Charlie McWilliams), Lucy Martin (Fay McWilliams)

eric stoltz,the new kids, lori loughlin


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